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Golden keys to live longer life!Healthy lifestyle

When asked how to live longer, people will always say they want to live healthier, younger, but that’s not really what I would want them to do with me. That would be pretty unrealistic for anyone to think that a healthy life would only start getting better. Sure, we could work out every day and then wake up next morning without feeling any ill effects. But, what about when you don’t live long enough? Well, after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, I knew my answer was no way. And so, despite having an excellent doctor, I never even considered exercise. Until a few weeks ago, when I started doing some daily strength training workouts. My arms were constantly sore and I needed to stop sometimes to do stretches before starting again. So, I decided to try a bit harder. It took my body time, but finally the fatigue started to hit! In the end, I felt much faster while running, and felt much stronger than I had ever before. It made me question myself why was this happening. Why am I not getting enough physical activity? Wasn’t living longer supposed to make the person look beautiful, get more friends and lead more fulfilling lives? Of course it did. Most of all, my health would improve, so would someone else’s. Even if someone like you is lazy or doesn’t care about themselves and their physical well-being, getting active can actually help them live longer.

I hope they read this article because they might just need to check out a little more!

How many times have you heard of “living longer” or wanted to live longer, but didn’t know how to do it?

If you are worried about losing weight and looking older, let’s talk! Here is my personal favorite method to reach your goals in life! Let’s also remember that you don’t necessarily have to lose 1 pound a week but it can definitely help in doing so. This isn’t saying you shouldn’t aim to lose an extra pound every two weeks, but it does mean that you should keep at least one new goal each week. If possible, you should aim for 5 and maybe even 6 new goals. Keep it fun and exciting! A goal that motivates you during tough times. The number of goals will always vary depending on your lifestyle, fitness level, activity levels and other factors, but a rough idea about some basic rules.

I recommend that you stick to 1 goal (or more) and 1 new activity or new hobby each week for the first month. The motivation can be different and vary according to individual goals, but each day, just watch out for that one thing you haven’t done yet, which motivates your body to keep going during tough times. There are ways how to achieve it, from working out, doing exercises, reading a book, anything that helps you build your physical and mental well-being and keep things interesting for yourself during tough times. You’ll see that you’ll be able to enjoy these activities, but with less effort. For example, you will start by playing video games in the evenings until midnight. Then, you should try learning something new, especially something related to sports because they motivate your mind and spirit.

And finally, after building your whole life around fitness, you should use these hobbies daily, so you can always find motivation in them.

But now, if you want to live longer, it takes a lot of hard work and time. I don’t suggest that you waste time by simply doing whatever other people tell you to do. Instead, you’ll come to see what you like! I think that the best motivation and inspiration you can get is from yourself. From doing it yourself to others or from watching someone else do it, you’ll know exactly the reason behind it and you’ll realize what your own abilities are doing that’s worth doing. Now you can focus on making sure you’re doing everything you can. Not only physically, mentally and emotionally (you should always make sure you take care of yourself), but also on yourself. Be happy and confident! Always listen to yourself and what you’re trying to achieve! Don’t underestimate yourself and what you can do! Make sure you’re proud to have any achievements! What do you really want to achieve as you grow older?

If the number of times you thought about not getting enough physical activity was too much; don’t worry! We need to do this, now!

We all aim for our maximum potential and that too includes living longer. That means changing our mindset when doing so, from being “just another person” all the time to “just another human with potential, who wants to live a healthy, happy and satisfying way of it”.

The key to living longer (or having any healthier habits) is to find the balance between being active and being comfortable and contented with being just you that you are.

Be happy and enjoy what you’ve got, and take care of yourself.

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